The Importance of Overcoming A Toxic Environment

Everyone has worked or been in a toxic environment at some point in their lives. If you are older than 21, it is almost a given.

Working in an environment that is uncomfortable is not something anyone sets out to do. A bad boss, bad co-workers, bad location, terrible office, etc. What I have learned in thirty-plus years of working is that it less about the environment and more about how you react to or handle it.

As far as I know, we are all human. Humans make mistakes and get angry. We don’t all like everyone we meet, and they don’ all like us. Here are some things I’ve learned over the years.

It’s not me, it’s you

Attitude, in my humble opinion, is the most important thing in this situation. If you are in a very uncomfortable work or school environment, how you react to it is much more important than how they handle it.

If you allow the toxic environment to control you, it will. For example, if you have a supervisor that belittles or demeans you on a day to day basis, you can either take what they say to heart or you can realize that their opinion of you isn’t the issue. The issue is usually their opinion of themselves that is the problem.

Calmness is the Key

It’s easy to get ticked off in a situation where you are right and they are wrong. Learn to be the bigger person. At the end of the day, you have to live with you, not them. If you stick to your convictions and stay true to yourself, everything else will work out in the end.

Does that mean the situation will get better? Rarely. Usually there is not much that can be done for someone who makes it there life goal to make sure everyone is a miserable as they are.

Decision Time

I’ve learned throughout my lifetime that I have the final say on how my day is going to be, no matter what the circumstances. We’ve all heard the stories of people with chronic diseases that just want to help as many people as they can before their time is up.

Be that person. You never know who you are going to effect with a positive attitude. While things my be awkward and angering, if you choose to let it all roll off you had have a good day, you will.

Now it doesn’t work every time, but the majority of the time your day will turn out better if you decide it is going to. I’ve been in some terrible situations in my life that didn’t bother me, and I’ve been in some easy ones that turned out to be awful because I convinced myself they were awful.


In the end, you should be the only resident in your brain. Don’t let other people move in with negativity or sour attitudes. If you do, remember YOU are the landlord and you can evict them.

It is up to you to clean up your thoughts. No one else can do that for you. Make every day a good day, ultimately it is up to you. You are the key to any situation, always remember that and you will keep the toxic situations to a minimum at worst. At best, you will remove your mind from any toxic thoughts.